Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Unity Tutorial 05

In this weeks Unity tutorials we learned how to use a sky box, how to alter lighting and create wind zones, how to pick up a weapon and add fade screens. Tutorial 09 began by showing us how to get and apply a sky box as a material to our game. We then went on to manipulating scene lighting.  Jimmy Vegas used urban light as an example here which is a dark and eerie light. I found this part to be very beneficial to use in my own game. Next we learned how to change the environment lighting and how to manipulate the colour to suit the relevant scene in the game it's being used for. The tutorial also went on to show us how to alter a dark scene by turning off the directional light and the sky box in order to create the darkness.

We then learned a bit about how to create wind zones within a selected area of the game. Wind zones are used to control wind and make the trees look as if the wind is blowing them. It's advised to be cautious when using turbulence as too high a turbulence can warp the trees which may not look good for certain types of games but may also work for some. We finally learned the value of low frequency and spherical wind zones.

In the next tutorial we learned how to pick up a weapon from an object and how to add fade screens. We first created a cube collider around the axe in order to take it from that point in the game. A C sharp script is used to take the axe out of the tree. Next we learned how to create fade screens by using a seam script. We also added in the fade screen as an animation from the animations folder and what an alpha is in game terms. An alpha is how transparent the fade screen is. Once we've created the fade screen as an animation we simply just add it into our game and press play.

Overall I found these tutorials to be very helpful especially learning how to create and add in a fade screen. I also found it very useful to learn how to alter the lighting and create a dark light scheme to add a dark and eerie effect to the game. I had no trouble creating these Unity tutorials however they're time consuming in order to get everything right. I look forward to adding some of these aspects into my own game.

Unity lighting
Image here

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