Sunday, October 7, 2018

My Feedback Thoughts

Article 1 - "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head"

This article was very useful and helpful to read, I took tips from this article to help myself in the future as it made some very good points and suggestions.
Everyone has their own fears and doubts thinking they aren't good enough and this article really explores that in depth and suggests what you can do to help yourself. The article presented an example story of a real person who began to struggle with self-doubt and how he overcame it. Self-doubt not only increases depression within the person struggling but also pushes their goals out of reach.
The example story was the story of a man named Rajeev who was an executive vice president of a billion-dollar business. He was a great worker who created strong, well-working teams however once he got promoted he received less feedback from others and suffered as a result. As a solution he hired the author of this article as a coach for feedback which resulted in him receiving a lot of positive feedback. He didn't see the feedback as positive but rather as negative so he came up with certain strategies to help him. The strategies he used to changed the voices in his head from negative to positive were looking for the positive, hearing the positive, understanding the positive and believing the positive. He was then more aware of his tone with others and became a positive voice for others including his employees.
This article showed me that once you take steps to change those negative voices in your head to be positive voices in your head you and your work will succeed. It will also make a huge difference in your energy level and output. I really enjoyed this article as it helped me gain more positivity within myself.

Article 2 -  "Seven ways to crush self-doubt"

This article explored the burden of self-doubt by firstly discussing the authors personal experience and struggle with self-doubt. The article then goes on to suggest seven solid ways to banish self-doubt. Right off the bat we are told to not compare ourselves to others as it's the main downfall in self-doubt. Instead of viewing it as a competition one should view everything as a community. Competition leads to jealousy and downfall but once you let go of that you can strive as a person by doing what you love and taking chances.
Perfectionism is also explored here as the author suggests abandoning perfectionism. Once this is abandoned you can create better work. Perfectionism is an illusion that ruins your work and stops you from growing as a person.
The author then suggests finding a community that you can trust and be vulnerable with. A book and a TEDx Talk by Brene Brown Brown are suggested here too. These discuss the power of being who  you are and encourage vulnerability.
The next step is embracing a growth mindset. Carol Dweck introduces the idea of having 2 mindsets which are fixed and growth mindsets. With a growth mindset you can learn that mistakes are a natural part of the process. The rest of the article then discusses the importance of setting out goals within your control, treating your work like an experiment and trusting yourself.
I found this article to be really useful as I myself often struggle with self-doubt which can get in the way of your potential in life.

I think feedback in general is very important especially on the road to success as it helps people to learn what works and what doesn't as well as their strengths and what they can improve on. I've received feedback in many areas of my life however from my school experience I had a teacher give me feedback on a piece of artwork I created. She told me where my strengths and weaknesses were which helped me develop my art skills and create better work. 
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