Sunday, February 17, 2019

Annotated bibliography 2


Introduction: As part of our module for multimedia development in semester 2 we're exploring what multimedia consists of, what it's about and further research into it's individual areas. I've personally chosen to research constructivism and the theory of constructivism as well as how it's applied in e-learning environments. Constructivism also ties in with cognitivism and behaviourism which are also being studied by other members within my project group. 

Main themes: Constructivism, e-learning, education, theories, model design.

Faris Algahtani. "Teaching students with intellectual disabilities: Constructivism or behaviorism?." Educational Research and Reviews 12, no. 21 (2017): 1031-1035.
  • Published: 10 November 2017

This article targets the issue of enhancing teaching and learning strategies in order to aid and assist those students with intellectual disabilities by means of the education system. The extensive debate between behaviourism and constructivism is evident within this article as it touches on both and explains how each one is applied to students with intellectual disabilities. The factors and principles of behaviourism and constructivism are summarized within this article as are the details and facts of intellectual disabilities. 

A Model of e-Learning by Constructivism Approach Using Problem-Based Learning to Develop Thinking Skills for Students in Rajabhat University." Educational Research and Reviews 9, no. 21 (2014): 1165-1172.  Published: 10 November 2014

This article focuses on a study taken in a University in Thailand as they set out to develop their students thinking skills in a higher degree. The article discusses the process to create this through a model of e-learning by using problem-based-learning. This research is laid out in three separate phases that cover the tactics. In phase one the characteristics of developing thinking skills were studied while in phase two a model was constructed to develop these specific thinking skills. Finally phase three studied the appliance of this model to developing thinking skills. As a result it was shown within the article that this method was effective as students had developed their thinking skills. 

Keengwe, Jared; Onchwari, Grace; Agamba, Joachim
Education and Information Technologies, v19 n4 p887-898 Dec 2014

This article discusses how recent technological developments have been made to assist the e-learning area as it was previously not a big assisting factor within e-learning strategies. The article also touches on how technology has been implemented within learning and activities for students. The theory of constructivism is also explored here as is the principles of constructivism are explained as they contribute to the design of e-learning activities. 

Stephan Poelmans & Patrick Wessa (2015) A constructivist approach in a blended e-learning environment for statistics, Interactive Learning Environments, 23:3, 385-401, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2013.766890

This article is based on a study from a student constructed evaluation. The students in this article have created a constructivist e-learning environment for statistics titled the compendium platform. The purpose of building such a system was to involve and have a deeper understanding of learning by means of tactics such as peer review practices. This system captivates students in a new e-learning experience. The article also explains how a model was launched for the study over the period of three academic years. 

Bognar, Branko; Gajger, Vesna; Ivic, Vlatka
Online Submission, Paper presented at the Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb Conference--Researching Paradigms of Childhood and Education (Opatija, Croatia, April 13-15, 2015)

This article discusses the importance of having e-learning incorporated in every level of education and how even though it's included in higher education it's very much reduced to minimal material such as downloading content from websites of teachers and learning platforms. It also explains how students aren't getting as involved as they should be with their learning materials and teaching systems by expressing thoughts and opinions. Constructivism principles and constructionism are applied within the learning platform Moodle which is almost always used in higher education. This article concludes that the research conducted has shown that creating a constructivist e-learning environment is a success with students studying higher education. 

Conclusion: To conclude, from my extensive research into the topic of constructivism and the theory of constructivism I've learned it's importance and role within e-learning and the education system itself. Constructivism is being introduced more and more as a better way of approaching education, learning and teaching methods in order to improve the quality of learning for not only students and students with intellectual disabilities but also for those who's occupation is centered around education. The articles listed show how designing models and creating new tactics can actually improve learning for students and engage them. 

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