From watching Unity Tutorial 4 and 5 I learned new aspects of creating a game. Tutorial 4 kicked off by teaching us how to import sound which can be downloaded from the Unity website. I found this part simple enough and didn't have any problems importing the sound. I also learned how to add and adjust audio and pitch which came in useful to alter the volume of the sound. I discovered how to rotate and add sound to the gem. The mesh element and the collider were explored in more depth in this tutorial also. I learned how to add in components and change the collider size. Once I pressed play to walk my character didn't move so I tried it again from the mesh collider and finally got it to work. Finally I learned how to add and create water from the environment assets. I found this a bit tedious but got it to work in the end.
Tutorial 5 taught me how to create a cursor and a main cursor for my game. I also learned how to use raycast and the value of static and what it does. I found this part a little confusing however after a few tries I understood it.
I enjoyed creating the water and adding more texture to objects and elements to further develop them and look forward to improving my game.
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